Celebrations & Nostalgic Moments by Alex Leong 2020

Celebration & Nostalgic Moments

The Art Gallery is delighted to present to you Alex Leong’s sixth solo exhibition, Celebrations & Nostalgic Moments. Alex is a Penang artist known for his panoramic watercolour scenes with lots of details craftily composed on paper, with feelings of nostalgic memories from his childhood days.

Alex Leong’s 6th Solo exhibition features 25 paintings focusing on two themes. Celebrations represent the festivities that are celebrated in Malaysia including traditional weddings, while Nostalgic Moments refer to his memories of schooling days, especially after school spending happy times with friends while waiting for the bus or parents or having a quick snack.

A 32-page catalogue of Celebrations and Nostalgic Moments: 6th Solo Exhibition by Alex Leong is available for purchase.

Exhibition Period

7 till 28 August 2020

Opening Hours

Fri to Sun: 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. (Other times, by appointments only)

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