Tropical Fruit Fest

Tropical Fruit Fest

In conjunction with Penang Durian Festival (01 Jun 2018 – 31 Jul 2018) organised by the Penang Global Tourism, The Art Gallery, Penang presents “Tropical Fruit Fest” Group Exhibition.

This exhibition feature paintings of various tropical fruits, media and genre by 13 artists from different parts of Malaysia. They are Alex Leong (Penang), Alice Chang (Pahang), Chia Seng Chai (Selangor), Ethen Ng (Penang), Jeremy Lee (Kuala Lumpur), Koay Sheng Tat (Penang), Lok Kerk Hwang (Johor), Nasir Nadzir (Penang), Shaparel Salleh (Melaka), Dato’ Dr Tan Chee Khuan (Johor), Tang Mun Kian (Selangor), Woo Seng Non (Penang) and Yew Souf (Penang).


Date: 10 June 2018, Sunday
Time: 12.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Tropical Fruit Fest artworks

Exhibition Period

10 June till 7 July 2018 (Close on Monday to Wednesday)

Opening Hours

2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Tropical Fruit Fest artworks

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